Monday, September 16, 2013

Denim With Edge

Denim and I have never had a really close relationship. I'm not the type of girl to throw on a pair of jeans and roll with it. I don't know that I have ever felt 100% comfortable in denim anything. I would have to say denim is my least favorite fabric so I knew this month's Ahead of the Curve blog post was going to be a tricky one. That's cool ... It's nice to step away from my comfort zone and try something new.

I knew if I was going to do denim it would have to be black. I'm totally not a blue denim girl. I know currently light denim and ombre denim are hot hot hot, but I really just can't. Denim with a punk or metal edge really is a lot less scary for me. The denim item I purchased for this post was a black jean jacket in size 4 from Torrid. I actually mulled over this jacket for weeks. I couldn't commit to it right away, because I was wishing it was a little more rough around the edges. Since I ordered this jacket Torrid has come out with a destructed black denim jacket and I'm kind of bummed I didn't get it instead. I will just have to wear in the one I got. This jacket fits well and isn't too long in the arms. Long arms are an issue I always have. There's a running joke in my family that I have T-rex arms! Boo!  While this jacket fits, I was just not in love with it. UNTIL.....

I MADE IT MINE!!! I've added a huge Evil Dead patch to the back with safety pins and donned the front with plenty of buttons. I picked the back patch up on ebay a couple years ago and it has come in handy more than once. I couldn't help singing bad reputation by Joan Jett while doing this up.The jacket still needs work and I'm sure it will transform a few more times in the up coming months.
  It's still too neat and black for me. I prefer a faded lived in look to denim, but for now I'm totally pleased. Denim and I will slowly get to know each other.

Additional items I'm wearing....

Cross Sweater in size 3X from Forever 21+
Stripped Skirt in size 22 from ASOS
Scarlet Red Tights in size E from We Love Colors 
Black Studded Boots in size 9 from Torrid 

We are a collective of plus size bloggers coming together to post on the same subject. This month we each have a post on “Denim” so click away and check them out. 

Review : Size 24 ASOS Curve Pinafore Denim Dress

White Trash Couture?

Denim and Lace

Definitely Denim

Chambray Blue: Some Colorful History


  1. Your photos are always awesome. Love the things you put together!

  2. I LOVE the addition of a BIG patch. It now looks more like you. You are such a natural at creating your look.

  3. WOW Stina. You give denim a whole new edge. I like it, you make me wanna wear these clothes too!

  4. The safety pins on the patch. Love that look! Love reading about your process of making denim bend to you too.

  5. im so jealous of your hair.. i love that color... i think even though this outfit is nothing i would wear i LOVE it... it is completely adorable ....and every one of your posts make me want to step outta my comfort zone... :)

    1. Do it Dollface!!! Wearing Denim was out of my comfort zone. I just made it work for me. I wore the jacket again today so I think it will all work out.

  6. You look so great - I love the pairing of the pink legging, stripped skirt, top with crosses and jean jacket. Now I total know I want those leggings form We Love Colour I've been mulling over online - hey is that lipstick the Mac one? What is the name of it :)

  7. I approve of your Joan Jett intro (as well as your outfit...and your hair...and your makeup...and your, well you get the point). ;) I really like how you made the jacket yours and I hope you'll do future posts to show off how you've reincarnated it!

    1. Thanks Lis. You were missed this month dollface. xx

  8. Amazing outfit...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thanks Doll...I will totally follow Circle of Chaos on Bloglovin:) Done!

  9. Love reading about your process of making denim bend to you too.

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  10. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin and gfc,too.
    Do you also follow me on gfc?
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)

  11. Hey Very Nice Blog!!! Thanks For Sharing!!!!.

  12. In this fashion show her dressing was impressive. People like the clothes that show was wearing because these were unique.

  13. The blog was actually fantastic! Lots of abundant advice and inspiration, both of which we all need!


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